Thursday, May 14, 2009

The miracle of ‘No-more-Poo’

No, not a typo, I am not referring to Winnie the Pooh. I am actually referring to Nr 2. And finally, finally Monty dealing with this process in a normal matter. Quick recap: for the past year and an half he has been either constipated because he refused to go, or (when given laxatives) been doing it in his pants. So many, many hours spend sitting with him by the toilet trying to get him to go. So many, many poopie pants to wash out (his teacher at school was not amused, let me tell you that) So many, many times of hosing him down in the shower when he was covered from navel till knee. (poop in the tub, poop spraying everywhere, poop on the walls –Gross, gross, gross…) So many, many extra laundry done and so many, many times of sanitizing the shower…

And then suddenly… Monty turned five and announced: "I am five now so I am not going to poop in my pants anymore." We were a little skeptical, because he announced this many times before. But it’s been two weeks and he has appropriately only done IT on the toilet and not held it in anymore. I guess all he needed is to DECIDE that he was going to do it on the toilet instead of his pants.

It was not a matter of any medical issue, of the right kind of bribes or of some sort of trauma… No, it was just a decision on his part. Well, thanks for the last year and a half, Bozo! Couldn’t you have decided this in December of 07?

I guess it is just like when he was about two and would be bawling his eyes out and suddenly announce: “Crying done” (and stop crying immediately). And now he has announced: “pooping in pants is done.”

It’s kind of a weird thing to mention in your prayers, but THANK GOD!

Mind you, it’s only been two weeks (but somehow it feels like 6 months) so may it’s too early to celebrate, but we are just so FREAKING happy!

Yea for Monty!!!

Yea for using the toilet!!!

Yea for being five!!!


Chulitamaya said...

I am with you on that one, I just can't believe that I am not the only one who deals with this kinds of stuff. It drives me crazy that my kids take that long too.

Linda and Mike said...

You and Leland should throw a party because you haven't had to clean up poo for 2 weeks! I think you deserve to celebrate!