- Is there any reason that they have just one volume: ‘extra loud’ ?
- Why do they insist on waking up at five and then demand that the entire household gets up as well?
- Why do they have these little flaps on the side of their heads, what are they called…? Ears… they are ears, but somehow, they never seem to listen, so why have them at all?
- How come they always put their fingerprints on a freshly cleaned window?
- Considering they have at least a 100 cars, why do they insist on playing with the exact same one at the exact same time?
- Why seem the incaple of walking up the stairs when it is bedtime (I am too tired mommy), but 30 seconds later demand a wrestling match with Daddy before bedtime?
- How do holes appear in their brand new pants?
- What makes them think that the stairs are an excellent place to park their cars?