Sunday, February 8, 2009

Conversations with Monty...

Converstaion No 1
"Mommy i can feel my brain..."
"??? - How do you feel your brain?"
"It's right here." Points to his jaw.
"No honey, that's your jaw, not your brain."
"But i can feel it with my tongue."
"??? - You feel it with your tongue? I think you feel your teeth."
"It's not my teeth, it's my brain!!"

Conversation No 2
(Leland scolding Monty after some bathtime behavior involving a lot of water on the floor)
"Are you going to listen to me now?"
"Not the right answer Mont!"
"Are you going to be nice?"
"Still not the right answer! Are you going to be nice?"
"Maybe i be a little nice."

Converstation No 3
(concerning this still continuing issue of him refusing to poop - called kaka by Monty.)
"Come on Monty, everyone has to do kaka!"
"No. My friend Felix doesn't go kaka."
"I am sure he does. And mommy, does, Daddy does, Stoney does, Opa and Oma do..."
"But i don't want to!!"
"But Monty, your kaka needs to come out. It wants to come out, that is why your tummy starts huring, because you are not letting it out."
"My kaka can not come out! I have locked the door and thrown away the key!"
Deep, deep sigh...
About the pooping issue: It's been over a year now of a continous fight with him about it. He is permanetly on laxatives... I am not very optimistic. It has taken him four years to learn to sleep through the night and stay in his own bed. I wonder if it will take him four years to learn how to poop!

This is Stoney and Monty with their cousin Thijmen- son of my brother and sister-in-law


molly said...

such cute boys you have! and what funny things to say from such a little man.

Chulitamaya said...

Four year old kids sure come up with some interesting conversations. We also call it caca :)

Jenni and Eric said...

I'm having the opposite problem: Ben has taking to pooping (which requires extra assistance from Mom) every single time he visits the toilet. I wonder which is worse - spending all day in the bathroom waiting for the poo to come out, or spending all day in the bathroom because the poo just keeps coming!