Stoney is now able to swallow a small pill in seconds. Only thing us that he think it is only possible for him to do this when swallowing it with O.J. But hey, well take it. The first time he had to take this pill it took him an hour and an half!
The background story on the pills: Stoney has been complaining about tummy aches for months and I finally took him to the doctor last month. She thinks he has irritable bowel syndrome. I always thought irritable bowel had to do with the foods you eat, but she said that he just seems to swallow to much air. It backs up in his bowels and that causes pain. Why does he swallow to much air? No idea. The doctor said that it can be caused by any number of things. But in any case, she prescribed this medication that should help within a couple of weeks. I told her that Stoney is not good with swallowing pills, so she prescribed a syrup. Turns out, the syrup is taken off the market. The pharmacist was kind enough to make a syrup out of the pills (crushing them up and adding the flavor of choice.) The pharmacist then –for good measure- tasted the syrup herself and found out it was DISGUSTING. She said that the powder is so bitter that no amount of flavoring is going to make it taste well (which was probably why the syrup was taken off the market in the first place).
So we were stuck with the pills, and after ten days of many tears and endless encouraging words he suddenly got the hang of it and now is swalling the pills without problem.
So far, he has not gotten rid of the tummy aches completely. i think there is some improvement though. And as for the tummy aches he still gets sometimes, like Leland says: “If I had eaten four plates of pasta when I was seven my tummy would hurt too.” And I guess there is some truth to that…
And on a completely different note; here is another one of Monty’s mind blowing comments:
“Mommy, when I was in your tummy, there were still dinosaurs on earth, right?”
I am not that old, thank you
random picture: can you believe this kid's lowest grade is in P.E.?