Riding a bicycle at 10 pm (coming home from French class) in the snow, 10 degrees, up hill, on a track narrow as a balance beam with five inches of ice on each side and then getting the hiccups...
Tricky conditions, I tell you.
See, the thing is, Belgium is not really prepared for snow. We got about 6 inches here or so, but i haven't seen a single plow truck. Have seen lots of salt trucks however, and they are spreading the salt very liberally. Result: we are no longer up to our ankles in the snow, we are up to our ankles in salt. On the upside, i don't think we will see a single slug or snail for the next two years because the ground is so saturated with salt that they won't be able to stand crawling on it.
Here are some cool pictures
Unfortunetly i still haven't found any warm boots for the boys. They are sold out pretyy much anywhere. The only kid-size snow boots we found are Mega Mindy (Jenni and Eric might be familiar with her). It's this British kids' show about a super girl called Mindy. Well, naturally we are not putting our boys in Pink Mega Mindy boots, so the hunt continues. Probably, by the time the stores get new supplies of winter boots, the snow will be gone. Allthough it was -4 (fahrenheit!) this morning just east of here, so it might be a while.
Poor kids, we just double them up on socks, sweaters, hats and coats.
Have you looked to see if you can order boots from somewhere?
I love the picture of the spiderweb, it looks really neat. I hope you find some boots soon or that it wont snow as much anymore.
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