Naturally, it was the hottest day of the year when we moved: 32 celcuis, that is about 90 Fahrenheit. Leland and the missionaries in our ward did most of the lifting and moving. And you have to realize that in our new house the stairs are rather steep. I mean, they are almost like a ladder.
In any case, we have been here for about a week now and just love the house and the little yard it has. We have also been blessed with great weather (not quite 90 luckily, but in the seventies) We have been eating dinner outside for almost every night since we got here. (which works out good, because we don't have a dinner table yet) It's wonderful just sitting outside in the yard in the evening till ten. (It doesn't get dark here till ten in August, of course on the flip side, in December and January it stays dark in the morning till nine and gets dark again at 4.30). The back of our house borders on some train track (which the boys LOVE) and behind that is real quiet countryside area with an Abby that plays beautiful bell music every half hour. Ah, it has been heaven.
Here is some photo proof that we have had nice weather:
Of course, it being us, nothing can go too smoothly for to long. We got a washer for free from some other American student here that went back to the states. Well, third load of laundry it short circuited and we lost power. End of that washer. (We bought a second hand one a couple of days later - that one actually comes with a 6 month warranty.) Same day we short circuited again and lost power again when the pan on the electric stove majorly boiled over. I actually think it happened a third time but i forget when...
Then we had no internet or land line for the phone yet and the phone people had to dig the street open to attach us to the network.
And, most pressing, the bathtub turned out to be leaking and we had a curtain of rain in our living room second day we were there. But, the rental company send someone to fix that, so hopefully there will be no further problems.
Then there is the issue with the lamps. All lamp fixtures looked like this:
So needless to say, we needed to do something about it. But if you have ten lamp fixtures like that, it can get kind of expensive to buy lamp covers for all of them. But we found so cheap deal and got about half of them covered now.
I will put up some more pictures of our new house when we are a little more settled. We are still in the boxes a bit simply because we don't have closets and bookshelves yet to put everything.